Sunday, October 10, 2010

Stone Soup

So, our class did an activity based around the book, Stone Soup. Just to summarize what Stone Soup is about. It starts with a poor village, and soldiers from the war. So, the soldiers travel by these villages and they always take the food from the poor. This time, the village doesn’t want to give up their food, so they tell the soldiers they have no food. The soldiers announce they will be making stone soup, but they need a few garnishes. Then, eventually the whole village contributes and makes a whole meal for the village.
Our activity was similar to Stone Soup, except for the food. Each group brought their own supplies they already owned, to create something; and brought it to their group. From the materials, we created something from the contribution of every group member. It became a collaboration to create an ephemeral piece of art. The outcome was spontaneous and unpredictable.
From our activity, we learn that design and creation does not always require one mind, it can require many. The collaboration of our group created something unique and interesting. We have no name for it, but it is definitely something no one has ever created.
Some think you need a tremendous amount of talent in order for it to be called a design. But, if you’re working with multiple people, you have different perspectives and each talent varies in each person. That’s why it’s so interesting to work with multiple people, because what you have, another person might not have. And, it balances out because they too, have another talent of their own.The concept of Stone Soup is teamwork, and contribution from everyone, the outcome is better when you have more help.
The contribution in Stone Soup and the contribution of our group members are both similar. It doesn’t matter what you’re making, just like in society, many designs/creations require collaboration and multiple minds. In the end, the outcome is one whole, and it is eye catching.

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