Monday, October 18, 2010

Design As A Conversation

                                               Picture from Google
How can design be a conversation? It can be defined as a conversation when there is communication between the creator and the audience. It does not need to be direct, but it’s a message portrayed by the creator. If the message is read by the audience, that means there is conversation between the two.
Conversation happens quickly, when the message of the creator is understandable. When there is connection and relation between the audience and the creator, then the creator has done their job. The audience learns something, they understand, and gain knowledge of a different point of view. It is important for the message or conversation to be effective. Design as a conversation should make an impact. Design has a purpose, and when the purpose is achieved, the audience leaves with the impact from the conversation.
A painting, a sculpture, a clothing collection, a song, and many more design examples; they all hold different conversation between their audiences. The audience will be impacted somehow, when there is conversation with the design. It can send a message of happiness, sadness, time, change; anything. Design as a conversation gives a designer the ability to create their own display of the message they want to portray, without having to be obvious. You have a conversation from your senses, the more the message is portrayed through the audiences senses, the more of an impact the message will have. Through seeing, observing, hearing, and feeling are some examples of how you can interact with design and have a conversation.
For example, when Lady Gaga and Yoko One sing for an audience, the song, "The Sun is Down," they have a conversation with the audience. Lady Gaga shows her message through her outfit, her song, her emotions and expressions. She is sending a message to connect with her audience. She has a conversation with her audience through her performance.
                                         Pictures from Google images
So, design as a conversation can be read universally. It doesn’t have a specific language. As long as the design gives the audience the message the creator wants to give, then it is all the matters. The audience has to be interested, and it has to effectively impact them somehow. Being able to have a conversation with your audience is very important to the creator, you want them to be intrigued and understand your point of view. So when you look at a design, have a conversation.

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