Monday, November 29, 2010

How Color Transforms A Single Deisgn

            Color has a magical way in making everything look better. Our world is filled with color. Our eyes are attracted to what is appealing, and most of the time, it involves color. A single design can have a variety of color, or it can have no color at all. Color can transform a single design. The question is how does the one design without color compare to the design with color? How does it transform the design?
                For example, I've walked past Macy’s department store many times, and I am always drawn to their amazing window displays. They design their windows so well, and so beautiful, to attract shoppers, and at the same time, giving us an incredible display. So, I thought, how does a window display that has no color transform the window displays when it is designed with eye catching color? Below will be the black and white window display, and then another window display that is very colorful, both made for the Macy’s winter display.
                                       Pictures from Google images: Macy's Window Displays

Looking at the black and white, it is flashy and shows more sparkle. It is in the hues of black and white, and silver. So, being that they are simpler or less eye catching, not many people are drawn to it. It still shows winter time, but in a different setting than the color window. It portrays the colors we view as the coldness of winter time. The colors in the second display are very bright, and vivid. It transforms to something that catches your eye, and it uses a variety, but in a harmonious technique in order to display what we perceive as the warm colors of winter time. The window that is filled with greens, reds, and yellows, is far more eye catching than the window that is filled with blacks, whites, and silvers.
Colors can also portray a certain moods and feeling. The black, white, and silver one portrays a dark and icy feeling. The white can resemble snow. The sparkle shows the night life during the winter time, where it is dark and cold, but a lot of sparkle because there are many celebrations during the winter time. The color window display portrays a warm and joyful feeling. The colors are happy and bright and it shows the playfulness of winter time. It resembles toys and children. The difference in color show different interactions with the audience. Many would be more drawn to the happy and warm feeling from the colored window display. The colors portray a happier interaction with the people viewing it.
The color transformation of a single design makes a difference from interaction. It shows the transformation through dark and cold, to warm and joyful. Colors allow us to have interaction with the design. It gives us a mood and a feeling from the colors. And through interaction with the colors, we have interaction with the design, which is design as a conversation. Being able to transform a single design with color allows us to have conversations with the people and send a message. In this case, it is the message of winter time.
Color interacts with our eyes. It draws and attracts us. It can transform one design into something that is far more interesting to the eye. We see certain colors that are bright, and we perceive something, like the winter time. The colors create an interaction and a conversation between the design and the people. Like many designs in society, color transforms the designs. It is better to have color, than to have no color at all.

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